This is a unit based around 3D modelling and it's processes which I was not familiar in the slightest. I feel as though my projects throughout this unit have slowly but noticeably improved. Once I got to grips with all the different stages of 3D, like building, sculpting and even UV mapping, I quite enjoyed it. It was rather difficult learning these things because I didn't attend a lot of my 3D sessions. I intend to improve upon that but there are other factors and reasons why that in an issue. But I feel like I've done well in that sense, I have learnt most of the things I have missed and have become rather confident in some of the aspects. My timekeeping as also improved, but still isn't where I want it to be. I haven't been able to spend as much time on the pieces and stages of development, as well as not being able to go back and improve on models.
I particularly enjoyed the time machine. My design was relatively simple, but due to having learnt the things needed for each stage during the column task, I was much more confident and worked better. Tasks 4 and 5 (the column and the time machine) gave me an opportunity to incorporate some things from BA1a, like the silhouettes and designs. This allowed me to feel more comfortable, knowing I had planned and created notes on what I wanted to achieve. It also helped me see that I needed to work on my time management, and made it easier to track whether or not I was on track.
I'd like to improve upon texturing. It's not something I have done in great detail but I feel as though I could be really good at it. The designs I have created did not really leave a lot for me to do, creatively via the texture. I think next time I'll do something with multiple different components and with more of an idea of the material and colours I would like it to be.
One thing I have noticed recently is that my English language skills have diminished and it's something I would like to work on. I found this essay particularly difficult to write compared to that of BA1b. However, overall I feel like it's been a rather successful unit personally.
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