Wednesday 30 September 2015

Composition and Light


League of Legends Nidalee Splash Art
Vi by TakeOFFFLy

I thought it would be nice to include two pictures from one of my favourite games whilst looking at composition. The first picture is the official splash art for Nidalee, a League of Legends character. Most of the splashes for the champions in this game has a very prominent style to the composition; most of the designs follow the Rule of Thirds. This splash however, also features Divine Proportions, although the hand doesn't line up with the spiral, most of the features in the art follows it.
The second is a fan-made portrait of Vi, another champion in the game. This quite clearly follows the Iconic composition as most of the background is symmetrical, and had I had put the guidelines over the picture, the hand and the robot would be roughly in line.


SEA SHADOWS — PALETTE KNIFE Oil Painting On Canvas By Leonid Afremov
This oil painting has great examples of the Fresnel Effect and bounced light. The area of the sea behind the boat seems much calmer than the area closer to the eye. In this area, more ripples can be seen and the mast and the reflection of the sun starts to break up. The body of the boat facing away from the sun does not catch the direct light, yet a side is still lit up due to the bounced light from that reflected by the sea of the sun.

Artist: John O'Keefe Jr
This oil painting shows sub-surface scattering at work, where the leaves on the tree, even on the lower branches seem to glow. There are lighter parts on the branches where the direct light has managed to travel through the copious amounts of leaves to reach this area. In this painting, we are able to determine roughly where in the sky the sun is due to the direction of the shadow that the tree has cast and where the shadow becomes less 'concentrated.'

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Concept: Insect Silhouettes

We started creating silhouettes using a thick low opacity brush. Most of the silhouettes were shapes and lines which were then refined or built upon, making a more insect like creature.
Once I had found one which I thought I could work on, I set about honing the shapes into features I could develop more using different materials, textures and colours. I proceeded to create front and back views of each design.